WHOIS Verification Email

If you receive an email similar to the following:


Please read this important e-mail carefully.

Recently you registered, transferred or modified the contact information for one or more of your
domain name(s). ICANN requires all accredited registrars to verify your new contact information. 
You can read about ICANN's new policy at: http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/raa/approved-with-specs-27jun13-en.htm#whois-accuracy.


In order to ensure your domain name remain active, you must now click the following link and
follow the instructions provided:

(link removed for privacy reasons)

Failure to follow the above link and complete this process will eventually lead to the suspension of your domain name(s).

If you have any questions, please contact us.


WebPal Cloud Inc.

With people being security concious it is fine to call in and verify that this did come from us but this email is crucial. If you don't click the link within 15 days of receiving it the domain will be changed from "OK" status to "clientHold status when looking up WHOIS.

If you have clicked the link outside of the 15 day time frame please allow time for WHOIS databases to be updated, this will STILL verify the domain and your domain should be active within around 10 minutes.
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