WebPal Cloud Servers

In today's digital age, businesses need secure and compliant hosting solutions that can protect their sensitive data. The WebPal Cloud provides private, designated, and customized cloud servers that give you full control over your compliant data hosting infrastructure. Our cloud servers are designed to provide you with the flexibility, security, and scalability you need to run your business efficiently. Whether you need to host sensitive financial data or manage confidential customer information, our cloud servers can provide you with a reliable and secure solution.

With the WebPal Cloud you can enjoy the benefits of a fully customizable cloud hosting solution without the high costs of AWS services. Our servers are designed to be scalable, which means you can add or remove resources as your business needs change. We also offer comprehensive support and maintenance services, ensuring that your cloud hosting infrastructure is always up-to-date and fully functional.

With WebPal Cloud, you can rest assured that your sensitive data is stored securely and compliantly, giving you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on growing your business.

AlmaLinux Server

Starting from



  • 1-12 CPUs
  • 1-64GB Memory
  • 10-500GB HDD
  • 0-250GB SSD
cPanel Server

Starting from



  • 1-12 CPUs
  • 1-64GB Memory
  • 10-500GB HDD
  • 0-250GB SSD
WebPal Cloud Server

Starting from



  • A dedicated WebPal Cloud Server instance with 30GB storage, 1 admin user, ready for instant use.
Windows Server

Starting from



  • 1-12 CPUs
  • 1-64GB Memory
  • 10-500GB HDD
  • 0-250GB SSD
DNS Hosting


  • Avoid single point of failure by hosting your server's DNS zone on our distributed, global dnsboxes.net domain servers.
Included With Every Plan
  • WebMin™️ Server Control Panel
  • Cockpit™️ Dashboard
  • KVM Server Management Panel